Social Security
& Medicare
Social Security
When people approach retirement age, the expectation is that it will be relatively easy to take advantage of the Social Security benefits they have been paying into throughout their work life. Unfortunately, it is anything but simple or easy to do. As is the case with many of the things that the government does, they seem to make something that should be very simple, very complicated.
Navigating all the choices and decisions regarding how to access Social Security benefits involves multiple decisions about when to start receiving benefits, disability, spousal benefits, understanding statements, and how to make sure that survivor benefits are not lost. CS Advisors knows how important this is to our clients and provides personal advice for how to make the right choices for Social Security benefits. To learn more about Social Security please read the investor education paper titled “Learn about Your Social Security Benefits”.
CS Advisors also has tools available to evaluate your Social Security to help you to make the best decision when it comes to claiming those benefits.
Medicare, like Social Security, comes with a number of challenges when it comes time to enroll. There a a lot of choices you have to make that affect the coverage you will receive today as well as in the future. Unfortunately some of those choices are irreversible and can negatively affect you down the line, leaving you paying hundreds or thousands of dollars more than you should have. CS Advisors is able to help guide you in making the choice between Medicare or Medicare Advantage and help you with deciding which supplemental policy is right for you.